Battlefield 4 arrives on the Xbox One and PS4 in a different position to Battlefield 3 back in 2011. Battlefield 4 launched on the tail of the goodwill generated by the excellent Battlefield: Bad Company 2, with the added promise that this was the first console Battlefield to do the multiplayer experience justice.
What`s more, it was launching as the upstart rival of Call of Duty at a time when Activision’s series appeared to be approaching its nadir. With Battlefield 4, however, Battlefield no longer feels like an underdog, and Call of Duty is looking stronger than it has in years. While Battlefield 3 delivered on the multiplayer front, the generic single-player campaign lost much of the old goodwill. Can Battlefield 4 turn things around?
Watch the Battlefield 4 'Angry Sear' gameplay trailer:
Read our in-depth Xbox One vs PS4 comparison
Battlefield 4 - single-player impressions
Well, it’s hard to say much in terms of single-player. E3 bought us a new hands-off demo, Angry Sea, which you can watch above. Showing an assault on a sinking battleship, it works as a technical tour-de-force, showing the Frostbite 3 engine’s gorgeous lighting and some impressive destructible scenery, with chunks of the ship’s hull tearing away and debris everywhere you look (not to mention shoot). We saw some interesting set-piece battles as the decks fall away and the waters rise, not to mention all the sliding jets and crushed enemies you can handle.
But while the visuals are magnificent and the scale absolutely dazzling, it all still looks very CoD, complete with turret sequences and the sort of action where you can be left watching as much as playing. If you’re looking for a whole new take on the military shooter, Battlefield 4 might not be for you. Much will rest on the game’s new narrative focus, which is supposed to give your squad more character and get you more immersed in-game. We still need to see a little more evidence of that.
Battlefiled 4 multiplayer first impressions
On the other hand, an extensive hands-on with the multiplayer portion left us much more satisfied. Playing a traditional control-point battle on a sprawling Shanghai map, we were surprised how much was explorable, from office buildings to shopping malls and the rooftops of the tallest skyscrapers. There were tanks and armoured cars to drive, plus helicopters and jetskis to pilot, and no shortage of routes to take you from the various start points to the next control point.
Meanwhile the classes, like Engineer, Assault, Support and Recon, work exactly as you might expect, and the commander role, with a top-down strategic view of the action, makes a welcome return. With 64-players on the map at once, as in our demo, there’s certainly some need for oversight. Our experience of the action was chaotic, albeit chaos of the frantic and hugely entertaining kind.
What promises to take Battlefield 4 beyond Battlefield 3, however, is the.....
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