One of the best things about celebrating the 4th of July is spending time with your friends and family. Barbecuing, lighting off some fireworks - the only thing that’s missing is some good music! But what do you do when the host of your party tries to ruin your celebration of all things America with questionable music selection?
We’ve got you covered. The Internet Explorer team has partnered with Nokia Music to bring you Mix Party. It’s a companion web experience, where multiple people at your party can sync their smartphone to the party playlist and vote on the tracks they want to hear next. How does it work?
Step 1. You need an Xbox. Turn it on, fire up Internet Explorer in the apps, and type in this web address: mixparty.nokia.com
Step 2. Pick three artists and start your party playlist.
Step 3. Anyone at your party with a smartphone can scan the QR code and sync with the playlist Vote on the artist you want to hear next and the track with the most votes wins. That’s it!
You know all those devices around you? Things like televisions, smartphones, laptops, tablets? Well the web today is...Read the rest of this post ------>
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