I share, you share, we all share video game video -- or, at least, that's the promise of the rapidly encroaching next generation of consoles. With Twitch now officially joiningSony's PS4 as an additional livestreaming partner, gamers will have one more option (the other being Ustream) to broadcast gameplay when they press that Share button. The announcement, made at this year's Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, positions Twitch advantageously
on both Sony and Microsoft's warring black boxes as an inbuilt app,
although the similarities may end there.
As Matthew DiPietro, Twitch's
VP of Marketing, explained to us, "The product itself and the feature
set that will actually be available on both of the consoles is still a
little bit up in the air because they're actively being produced right
now... but the key sort of feature set is clear." So crucial elements
like video broadcast and viewing, picture-in-picture and audio capture
-- all basic functions currently enjoyed by the service's 600,000-strong
user base -- will be de facto at launch.
But does that mean Day One or when the app launches? "Most likely for PS4 that's Day One and we're working on that for Xbox One," DiPietro said, so there's no guarantee. But he was able to elaborate a little more on how search will work when the service goes live, adding that "[Discovery] will be a very similar experience to the Twitch website and Twitch mobile applications.
You can browse by game,
by channel [and] we're exploring ways to explore by genre." You'd think,
then, that the ability to filter video via your friends list would also
make the cut, but that sorting feature's not something users can expect
initially. Rather, it's something DiPietro said could come at a later
About Unknown

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