The heads of the UK's three security agencies have lashed out at the government and media over the recent snooping scandal, claiming that their operations must remain secret in order to be effective against criminals and terrorists.
During a briefing with the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee(ISC), the heads of GCHQ, the Security Service (MI5) and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) defended their internet surveillance activities, despite the ongoing criticism.
GCHQ director Sir Iain Lobban argued during questioning that UK intelligence agencies have consistently acted within the law when mounting cyber operations. "A government's first duty is to protect its people. Doing this means some protective measures have to be secret, but that doesn't mean they're unaccountable," he stated.
"I believe certain methods should remain secret. Secret doesn't mean sinister. It feels strange to say we have nothing to hide as we work in secrecy, but we have people above us, we have our masters. We are subject to the law and I'm sure that's true of my sister agencies as well. There are very good safeguards in place."
MI5 director general Andrew Parker added that any ill will by the general public should fall on the government's shoulders. as the decision to allow or disallow operations similar to PRISM rests with politicians.
"Openness is something we've been on the road towards for some time and these are issues for ministers to lead on," he said.
"The constant and real issue for us is ensuring the work we do is lawful and that our staff can be assured what they're doing is lawful. The arrangements there are parliamentary. It may be more helpful to bring that to light, to make clear all these arrangements rely on the parliament and the public."
MI6 chief Sir John Sawers, mirrored Parker's sentiment saying, "The law is for you, the parliamentarians."
The intelligence chief's comments follow a ruling by the the committee that GCHQ's use of the US's National Security Agency (NSA) PRISM data was not illegal.
the ruling, many privacy groups have expressed ongoing concerns about
how UK intelligence agencies collect data. The concerns led the ISC to expand the scope of its investigation into whether new privacy legislation is required in the wake of the PRISM scandal.
"We do not spend our time listening to calls or reading emails from the majority of UK citizens, it would not be legal, we do not do it. It would be wonderful if terrorists used one form of communication and everyone else used another, but they don't and we have to do detective work," he said
"If you would let me use an analogy about how we operate. Think that we're in an enormous hay field trying to find needles. We're collecting hay from areas we can get access to that might have the needles we're looking for. When we get that haystack full of potential needles we're aware there will be plenty of hay that is from innocent people – we draw that information to get the needles, we don't touch the rest of the hay."
MI5's Parker argued that,... Read the rest of this post --->
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