Video site says goodbye to chronological comment threads and hello to
sorted comments based on popular posters and friends in Google+ circles.
(Credit: YouTube)
It's no secret that YouTube comment sections are often dismal corners of the Internet, where anonymous posters disparage, defame, and diss anyone or anything they can find.
YouTube has been working over the past year to clean up these shadowy sections of its Web site. And now, the day has come that commenting on YouTube, as we know it, will change.
The online video service announced Wednesday that all users will begin seeing site-wide changes. The main gist of these changes is that comments will now be sorted so that users will see prioritized posts based on community-focused commenters and people in their Google+ circles. Before now, YouTube comments were simply sorted by the most recent post.
"Let's say you're enjoying Lindsey Stirling or Epic Rap Battles' latest video and want to join in the conversation," YouTube wrote in a blog post. "Would you rather see comments from people you care about (including Lindsey or ERB themselves), or just whoever in the world was last to post?"
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(Credit: YouTube)
It's no secret that YouTube comment sections are often dismal corners of the Internet, where anonymous posters disparage, defame, and diss anyone or anything they can find.
YouTube has been working over the past year to clean up these shadowy sections of its Web site. And now, the day has come that commenting on YouTube, as we know it, will change.
The online video service announced Wednesday that all users will begin seeing site-wide changes. The main gist of these changes is that comments will now be sorted so that users will see prioritized posts based on community-focused commenters and people in their Google+ circles. Before now, YouTube comments were simply sorted by the most recent post.
"Let's say you're enjoying Lindsey Stirling or Epic Rap Battles' latest video and want to join in the conversation," YouTube wrote in a blog post. "Would you rather see comments from people you care about (including Lindsey or ERB themselves), or just whoever in the world was last to post?"
Read the rest of this post --->
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